Today I got my threads for Mary Wigham International SAL. I'm so happy with them. I've chosen Victoria Clayton silks and as you can see the colours are very beautiful and thinking that such a young girl chose it is thrilling, isn't it?
I will be able to give my first stitches this weekend.

May I use your picture for the Dutch weblog for the Mary Wigham SAL? Thanks
Hi Feel free to do that - we are all working for the objective.
Wow, wonderful colours indeed. Did you choose them or did you order the silk package that Vikki offers? I think I'll have to use silks for this sampler, too.
Brigitte, I converted all DMC colour numbers jacqueline gave us. Vikki has a very practical convertor, so it was easy and I wanted to make sure I got the colours as near as jaqueline gave us as possible.
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