Today I'll introduce my dogs to you. They are my babies. Both of them are of no definite breed, which I love, as they are unique.
Robin was named after robin hood (who would tell me then that some years after having robin I would meet DH precisely from Nottingham?!), he is 8 years old and have him since he was 2 months old. He is spoilt to death and very demanding. Very bright: he is becoming bilingual -he starts to understand DH in English, almost as well as he understands me in Portuguese.
Lucy is a very different matter: we adopted her from a rescue centre 18 months ago and her level of communication is only now to get a bit higher. Nevertheless, she is the sweetest dog you can imagine. She's over 10 years old and not even the vet can guess how much "over".
In her long life full of tribulations she was run over and never treated, so she limps from a back leg. She's in a very poor health and since 2 months we have almost daily visits to the vet... and some big frights in between.

What darling fur babies.Bless you for adopting Lucy into your home and hearts.
Ola Cristina, os caezinhos sao muito lindos, a minha tambem foi adoptada com 3 meses e agora ja tem 10.5. Eu tambem falo com ela em Portugues e Ingles, eles precebem tudo.
Your blog is great. I love samplers and i've just loaded the Mary Wigham one. Yours is beautiful.
Very cute dogs!
Big regards from Croatia.
Zondra Art
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