Yesterday was a month I was operated and couldn't cross stitch yet!
Everything is ready for it, but I still don't have courage to pick up the piece and start working...when I think of it I feel a bit sick, maybe is the position I will have to be sitting or the head that is not very clear yet... or maybe the constant pains I have in my bones, especially in my rips!
Next week I will have 2 appointments in the 2 hospitals where I was: Tuesday with the surgeon and Wednesday with my cardiologist. I have loads of tests to show them and hopefully I will have good news. But for sure my life will go on, on a stand still for some time more.
Anyway it is great to be alive and watching how much I have been improving.
Like in many situations in life we have better days... and others that are not so good, but the most important is having the privilege of living them... that's what I think and how I cheer me up in the gloomy days!
I want to thank everyone who left a word cheering me up. Believe me, those words helped a lot.

Dai forza non perderti d'animo, altrimenti non si riuscirà più andare avanti.
Dai sei fortissima, aspetto di vedere con ansia i tuoi lavori e di avere buonissime notizie.
Saluti Nadia
Tudo vai correr bem! Nada como manter o pensamento positivo:))) Espero que possa voltar rapidamente ao ponto de cruz!
As melhoras
Take care, Cristina. I hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy your stitching again. :)
thank you for visiting my blog Cristina, sounds like you've been through a tough time lately, hope you feel better soon and continue to grow stronger, hugs :)
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