After 1 year without posting anything, here is one update of my Mary Wigham.
Meanwhile I had the death of my dear Lucy (one of my dogs); robin, my 10 year-old-boy with health problems; my husband was operated and to finish with I had a massive heart attack last month and had to undergo open chest surgery and now besides a double bypass, I am very grateful to have had a second chance in life. No one expects such a thing with 52, but it happens - now I am slowly recovering and my cross stitch will be a very good help...
...and I'll keep posting!

Oh Cristina, I'm so sorry to hear what you have been through. I hope you and your family will soon be completely healed and back to your normal lives.
I hope stitching and blogging will help to recover. Welcome back to the blogging world.
I am sorry to hear what a year you've been through. I hope your health continues to improve. Enjoy getting back to stitching and blogging. Your Mary Wigham is lovely!
Só hoje me apercebi que estava a escrever no seu outro blogue que parou em 2009, o da Mary Wigham. Espero que esteja melhor. Também estou a viver uma segunda chance!!Aos 39 descobri que tinha um tumor nas meninges, fui operada com sucesso, mas tive de aprender tudo de novo,em termos motores. Para recuperar a motricidade fina bordava ponto de cruz, um dos meus bordados favoritos. Por isso gostava de participar no SAL,mas é capaz de ser um pouco tarde!!!
As melhoras!! Bordar é óptimo para relaxar e recuperar:))Além de que os seus trabalhos são LINDOS!!
E o que temos mais em comum?!
Sou professora e tenho uma "trupe canina" fabulosa:)))
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