I stitched this pinkeep using the design of my stork. I wanted it to look a bit rustic and I think I achieved what I wanted. The colours are not as bright as they are shown here.
I got this Victorian purse in e-bay some time ago and I just love it. In those days ladies just carried a handkerchief and a coin for sure... see its size!
I have some more WIPs and soon I will post more photos.
I still have to go slowly otherwise my chest really complains, as well as my blood preassure, which lowers even more. But on whole I am making a very good recovery from my op.

Nice and beautiful pinkeep!
I like the little antique purse although, I think it would not be practical in this days with all the stuff we usually have in our bags, at least, in my case ;)
What a beautiful pinkeep :)
What a lovely pinkeep! And a beautiful purse too.
Cristina, thank you for commenting on my blog. I'm glad you did! I saw your beautiful stork piece on another blog and admired it so much. I hope you are recovering well -- what a shock to have a heart attack at such a young age! Also that your husband and your son Robin are doing well. Take care of yourselves.
Adorable finish!
Hello there!
This stitcht is really fantastic, congratulations and have a good day! :)
A beautiful pinkeep
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog
great job on the pinkeep....sounds like you have had some health issues......take it easy & don't overdo!~
Lovely job on the pinkeep!
Hello, thanks for stopping by my blog. I have just read through a bunch of your posts. I'm sorry about your rough times. I hope things are going better. Your stitching is lovely. I really do love your stork. I am also stitching Mary Wigham, and I subscribe to TGOS magazine. Your pinkeeps are just adorable. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Cristina~~ Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog....I am so glad you did~~ It has given me a chance to look at your beautiful stitching... I LOVE the stork pattern and would love to do it myself one day.
I hope your health is improving..... Please keep me updated on your progress....I am near your age (although I am older...) and we often do take our health for granted. I am sure just knowing you are surrounded by prayer from your stithching friends will help you so much.
Please take care and stay in touch~ Faye
Hello Cristina, I love your pinkeep : it looks so lovely .
Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog :-)
Have a nice day ,
I do hope you feel better soon. I hope the doctors can find out what you need to feel better! Blessings, Dianntha
Magnifique ton pinkeep !
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