This week I made good progress on my D Cockin sampler, taking into account I am a slow stitcher.
Finally the post delivered the rest of the HDF threads I was waiting for, and I was able to stitch the medallions in between the other ones I had already done.
I am very pleased how both colours go together and combine with the fabric. It is not a monochrome, but the colour is the same one, being one just a tint lighter than the other one (Penny Wort 3449 and Penny Wort 3447).
I hope this week I can progress nicely again.
I wish you all a very good week with nice weather, which is something we are not having here: although it is 24 degrees Centigrade, it is raining a lot, which is not common in May.
Please, let me know your thoughts and comments, as they all mean so much to me.

That's quite some progress compared to how it looked at your last posting. These two greens look gorgeous together. Love it.
Wow, what fantastic progress! It looks great.
Obrigada pela mensagem no meu blog :) É sempre um prazer conhecer mais uma amante de ponto cruz em terras portuguesas! :D
Hi Cristina,
I see you too like Quaker designs just like me.. I love the greens you have chosen for this design. It looks beautiful. I hope you are feeling loads better I read back about your operation.. hope you are now having some beautiful weather in Portugal just like us in UK. We dared complain it is too hot after our dreadful snowy winter.
All of your stitching is beautiful, well done especially that you are a teacher, a very tiring job I know. Take care and thank you for your comments on my blog.
Hugs and happy stitching
Chris x
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